Friday, November 21, 2008

Proof that I got kicked out of my dorm at 3:30 AM a couple weeks ago because of a fire

Eh, that was the worst night ever. I had gone to bed late anyway and my hair was still wet because I didn't feel like drying it after my shower and it was so cold that night. Oh and apparently fire alarms don't wake me up, they just make me try to turn off my alarm clock and go back to bed. My roommate had to scream at me to get up, which I think still took a while anyway.

But yeah, I think someone caught a recycling bin on fire or something else really stupid. No major fire, just an insanely freezing hour long evacuation.

End of Photos

End of the photos. One of them is of an Entertainment Tonight interview that no one was supposed to take photos during.

Martha Stewart Show Photos Continued

Martha Stewart and Blake Lively Photos

Yeah, most of these are of Martha Stewart since they were making her pose for photos basically. There are a couple with Blake Lively though where she's dressed up as Cleopatra in a black wig. There's also just of the set.
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