Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Free Herbal Essences Products!!!

And you totally help me out as a campus rep. So we all benefit haha.

And join this one too because you love me :) And because you want to hear about all of our cool ReadyU events!!

Greek Theater, Promotions, and Weezer on Halloween!

First off, I will be playing Ismene in a skit from Antigone for my acting and directing class in a couple of weeks. Last I heard too I think that we are supposed to actually be singing the lines. haha, I'll post more once I have all of the details.

I just got free tickets to Weezer on Halloween from work. So awesome, so very very awesome. Oh and Lenny Kravitz tickets too.

Seamlessweb photos:

haha, just to show that I'm still in action.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Since my last post....

It's been forever since I've last posted but I've been mad busy.

Here are a few pics from the Target event:

Set this up and promoted the event with my ReadyU partner. It was a pretty intense couple weeks of planning and promoting this thing, but it was a definite success and tons of people made it out.

Seamlessweb photos:

I've been flyering at NYU and Wall St and also been putting up magnets around the city for them. I'm also managing the NYU / lower Manhattan team right now which is mad awesome.

Also just got this link to a project I did last semester: - this is just a promo for it but I'm totally in the photos and commercial clip so def check it out.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

First Week Back!!

First Event for ReadyU:

By the way if you missed out on this one check out our event on the 12th by coming out to Washington Square park between noon and 5 pm at the Target tent to get free food, prizes, and a bus ride to Target.

Promo for 5 Guys Burgers and Random Washington Square Park Pics:

And yeah, I was paid to eat that free hamburger too hahaha. Good times.

Also just did some work for's show Party Crashers. I'll post a link when it airs in October.

New Dorm Room!!!

Yeah, so I'm currently in a triple in Lafayette and it's been mad awesome this week since I was the only one to move-in early. Here are some photos of my new room:

And yes, clearly I have done nothing to it except make it messy, but in the near future that will change.
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