Tuesday, September 09, 2008

If only I knew how to post YouTube Videos to blogger.....


Anyway so yeah I'm lame and only provided a link to the video.

So last Friday I did this promotion for LG on Pier 17 for this LG Rally for Music event and for like the first time ever I heard / saw Gym Class Heroes perform. They are incredibly awesome live, in fact maybe it was all in my head but I thought they were a lot better in person than in their recordings. Anyway it was awesome as shit so I provided a link to their cover of "Take Your Clothes Off" if you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Peace, love, and much happiness,


Saturday, September 06, 2008

so it's raining

It's also one of those very rare days where I have nothing that I actually need to do because I actually finished my homework ahead of time. It's official that I did get into that screenwriting course just at the shitty time because the one I originally wanted just won't open up. I'm still happy though because they were both closed until Friday.

As for that PA thing I was possibly going to do today... they called and tried to set an interview for today which made no sense and I don't have time to be an unpaid PA for and entire film so I just ditched the thing. Also, people who tell you that you are applying for something that you are not creep me out and don't get me to go to an interview.

I don't think that I'm going back to Town Hall because as much as I loved it, the pay was terrible and I barely have time for Gin Lane Media and school as is. But I don't know, I still need to talk to them because they should have a check for me and maybe if I only worked a few days a month it wouldn't be that much of an added stress.

I'm also considering writing for the newspaper again, mostly because if I'm even halfway considering going the journalism route, I should probably be spending my time actually writing articles.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

First Day of Classes

I'm not ready for this semester, but it's here anyway. Today I simply had journalism and my film acting class at Tisch. I have no idea what to think about the journalism class because the guy kept saying that it was real tough, but as he said it everything sort of sounded easy. As for the acting our teacher was out and there was this super-old teacher who made us do this improv exercise that I fucked really badly. Anyway though, the class isn't about improv so I'm not going to worry about it, plus it's pass / fail so it doesn't matter if I'm not perfect.

As for things that have happened since my last post....

I worked as a PA for this short called "Go to Sleep" and I got some experience working with the boom, slating, being a stand-in, and doing female jobs like ironing and washing dishes. It was the first time that I went down to Staten Island and it was kind of fun except for the fact that during filming they turned off the A/C because it was noisy. I also might be a PA for an audition that this independent film company is doing on Saturday but I'm still waiting for a final call about that.

I also started some better paying promo jobs (my week of $10 / hr gigs is totally over) one of which had me go out to Brazil Fest where a bunch of guys kept giving me kisses.

I don't know how I'm going to graduate since I'm not paying attention to what classes I'm taking. Oh well, at least I'm doing a bunch of cool stuff while I'm here.
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