Sunday, December 25, 2011

Photos from my last shoot!!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Check out my new website :)

I'll still be updating this one, but wanted to put something more professional out there.



Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I'm too busy setting up a more professional website to properly update this page, but here's my first attempt at making a reel. More updates soon to come...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Life Updates!!!!!

I've totally been neglecting this blog lately....

So I believe I left off that I was doing a short film in May and here's the movie poster from that:

I also ended up having a walk on role for a pilot for a new Bravo dating show in June. More details to come if it ends up airing.

Also in June I did another test shoot for AUBE Cosmetics:

And then I ended up getting a gig as a model for a photography class in June as well:

Then in July I did a product testimonial for Carol's Daughter for HSN.

Outside of all that I've been booking promotions like crazy. That and I did a bit of extra work on I Just Want My Pants Back, Blue Bloods, and Smash.

I'm also trying to put together a legit website too, but until then I will be posting more frequent updates on this.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

I think I'm awake again....

So it all started Friday morning. If you want to call 5:40 AM morning. :/ I got a lovely phone call from my mother to get up and watch the royal wedding and went on ahead and watched since I couldn't get back to sleep after that.

My thoughts on the wedding:

The dress was okay. I'm also not getting the Grace Kelly comparisons here. Yes, Kate Middleton is very pretty, but her dress was nowhere near as pretty as Grace Kelly's.

Here are the two dresses:

Although I'm not the biggest fan of Grace Kelly's dress, I think that it's as good as you can get if you want an overly formal sleeved dress. Kate Middleton's on the other hand had a bad attempt at being modern and I couldn't help but think her wedding veil looked like a funeral shroud. Not that I hated Kate Middleton's dress, but it was nothing that should be compared to Grace Kelly's which was far more lovely.

Anyway, after the wedding I was doing a stock photoshoot. What I thought would be a quick simple photoshoot turned into my craziest day on any set. In the middle of the shoot one of the models says she feels faint and sits down and passes out. She then has a seizure and everyone ran around trying to find out if she had a bracelet or card saying she was an epileptic or diabetic. Nothing was found and when she woke up she said it was normal and happens all the time and that it was all blood pressure related and that she just needed to eat. We all waited around for an ambulance and when they came, they said that she definitely needed to go to the hospital even if she had the condition she claimed she had and she threw a tantrum over only needing food and that it was normal and she wasn't like her epileptic brother who wasn't allowed to drive a car. Since she kept making the claim that she only needed to eat, the photographer offered to get her food which she was reluctant to take and when she finally agreed to take it, said she would eat in the taxi. The crew eventually talked her into eating there, and she ate a few small bites and put it in her bag and said she ate half of it. The photographer actually asked her to show him if she ate any of it and got upset over her not eating after denying medical care after she said it was all blood pressure (which the medics agreed was really low). Also, for anyone wondering if this is a case of lack of insurance, someone found her medical card when they were looking for something about her condition while on the phone with EMS. She then proceeded to take a train to Long Island for an UNPAID charity fashion show. Let me also point out that this girl was 23 and clearly not the right type for runway modeling. So she risked her life for what was essentially a waste of her time. Basically I felt like I was in a bizarre reality show, because you would think a scenario like that could only be staged.

After that the shoot when on a little longer and then I stupidly made the choice to go out after that. So the next morning when I had to get up at 6:00 AM for a legit reason like working at 7:00 AM I was completely drained. I ended up doing a promotion during the Womentum walk for cancer research. The job was pretty cool and I got to see Jessica Alba make a bad attempt at reading a teleprompter. Love her as an actress but they probably should have made sure she knew how to use a teleprompter before the event so she wouldn't have had to spend most of her speech with her eyes looking away from the camera.

After getting off at 1PM I managed to stay up for a few more hours until I eventually crashed. Woke up at 6AM again (this time not half asleep) and have for the most part had a pretty relaxing day - finally.

Also, I just recently booked a lead role in a short film. I'll be shooting most of this week.



Sunday, April 24, 2011

Merch girl for Jose Conde at BAM!!

Last night was pretty rad. First time in a while that I've worked a concert and it was luckily for a really amazing artist.

A few things I learned:

1. BAM Cafe is awesome, I can't believe I've never been to one of the free events there before last night.

2. Jose Conde is amazing. Check out his music at

3. My camera phone sometimes eats pictures. So, I did have photos from last night, but they are gone apparently. :/



Friday, April 15, 2011

My Life Unofficially Sponsored by Pepsi

So I randomly ended up getting free tickets for a Yankee's game by walking by a Pepsi promotion on my way home from getting a coffee. Lesson learned - coffee is good for life.

Anyway, the seats were awesome because Pepsi is awesome and gave out awesome tickets. And yeah, I totally used awesome three times in that last sentence.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Louisville Visit!!!!!!!

Left NYC for my mom's birthday weekend a couple of weeks ago!!!

Amongst other birthday things like me baking a cake and making frosting (yeah, I'm cool when I actually have free time), we ended up going on an airplane ride where they let my mom fly for a bit. So here are some photos and a video (coming soon) from the ride.

Enjoy :)

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Central Park Snow Shoot

Here are a couple of the photos from a shoot I did with photographer Wayne Wilson.

Expect more from me soon :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

True Shapes by Cenia Paredes

Here's some photos from a recent look book shoot I was in for designer Cenia Paredes's line True Shapes.

Friday, March 18, 2011

St Patrick's Day, Bagpipers, and an Alcohol Promotion

Nothing gets better than Bagpipers in yellow "kilts" and me in a lime green dress for a rum promotion.

haha, hope everyone had an awesome St. Patrick's Day :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Levi's Chambray - The Official Sponsor of Sugar Daddies Everywhere

Now I'm not going to lie, seeing photos of an older moderately attractive man with a super young model pasted all over the Columbus Circle subway stop definitely caught my attention. And it did make me check out Levi's Chambray which was in all fairness a pretty awesome line.

But, really? Couldn't have they at least found an attractive male celebrity or older model or something? It looks like recession era average Joe sugar daddies are the new market everyone has to reach. It's like the Dove ads, but for sugar daddies. Like the somewhat curvy Dove girls, Levi's has a moderately attractive model that's slightly younger than their target so they actually have a somewhat realistic goal to aspire to.

The "I'm so cool I get to have sex with girls half my age" photo:

The "I'm about to crap my pants because she just maxed out my credit card" face:

The "I still think I'm young when I'm not" gangster pose:

All I want to know now is if this actually makes more men buy Levi's.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bubble Tea at Tease!!!

I'm not going to lie, I would never normally go out to 3rd Ave and 27th St just for a bubble tea. I do live in Chinatown and I could totally walk a few blocks for a pretty rad selection of bubble tea. However, my lovely friends at were giving away coupons to try one at Tease @

Anyway, the bubble tea was awesome. I tried coconut with black tea served cold which was super yummy. It was a pretty cool place and the additional options of Thai iced coffee, a pretty good regular coffee selection, and pastries made it a lot more rad than my normal Chinatown spots.



Saturday, March 12, 2011


I'm still puzzled as to how my coffee addict self had never made it into Gizzi's Coffeehouse on 8th St and 5th Ave until today. I thought I had pretty much at one point or another gone to every coffeehouse even remotely close to NYU for a much needed caffeine boost, but somehow I hadn't noticed this one until today.

Coffee = pure awesome as far as taste goes. Nice strong brew with a smooth flavor. I hated not being able to put in my own cream though, for real, that's one of the many reasons I hate getting even the basically free coffee at McDonald's. But still, amazing coffee despite the lack of control I had over the milk situation.

The overall atmosphere was pretty rad too. Lots of seating and not enough people to fill every seat (so rare anywhere in NYC on the weekend), a nice mix of chill indie music playing, and a big screen TV playing Charlie Chaplin films. Even the somewhat crazy man humming or meditating or doing something with mouth noises at the table behind me didn't ruin my time there.

They also had the largest selection of blintzes I've seen outside of Greenpoint. I'll probably hit them up for lunch sometime soon to try them.



Flowers on Park Ave

Saw these when I was around Park and 59th yesterday.

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, I've been crazy busy with work and school. Expect to see more soon though.



Saturday, February 19, 2011

Video from the subway

Coming back home from a shoot today I got bored and started filming. Lovely background music compliments of Catch Macy ( - who was so awesome he shouldn't have been playing in the subway at all :)

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

New Photos

Photos by Javier Alejandro Begazo

Monday, January 31, 2011

Photo from last night's shoot

Photo taken by Javier Alejandro Begazo one of the photo assitants last night at the True Shapes look book shoot.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Mimi's Hot Couture is now on! Here's the photos I'm in on the site:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The 92Y Flyer

Here's a look at my first globally distributed print campaign!

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